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Language Arts for 1st grade help


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I was planning to do


spelling workout


A Reason for Handwriting T



And what if I had ETC 3(or 4) just for extra work/ weekly change ups.


Is this too much? Drop ETC? Or drop WWE 2?

Edited by Prose
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Did you already do WWE1?


Did you finish OPGTR?


If you've finished phonics, then no need to do ETC. WWE is worth doing, though I have a hard time picturing a child in ETC3 doing WWE2 dictations. So one of those placements sounds off to me. ETC3 deals with all 1-syllable words. WWE2's very first dictation sentence has words like "flattery", "guard", "enemy". Yes, you can help with spelling, but I think being able to read them is important. So if the child isn't reading beyond ETC3, I'd hold off on WWE2.

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We are done with OPGTR and WWE 1. Explode the code was just a supplement fun material, that's just review and easy. Sometimes seemed to take the edge off the day if thrown in. After looking at them, I know she could skip 3 altogether, and just go to 4 of even 5. Any suggestions?

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I wasn't going to add input since I'm only teaching this level this year myself but personally I wouldn't add ETC either but that's because I'm going for shorter desk time and my child would prefer to get up and do something active or be read to or draw if there is an edge needing to be taken off but I know some children would love the extra seat work even if (especially if?) it is easy or redundant (my daughter is like this) - they're just so different and only you know yours. :)

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We are done with OPGTR and WWE 1. Explode the code was just a supplement fun material, that's just review and easy. Sometimes seemed to take the edge off the day if thrown in. After looking at them, I know she could skip 3 altogether, and just go to 4 of even 5. Any suggestions?


Ok, good. :) I'd probably drop ETC, though my son gets bored doing something that's too easy (this wasn't such a problem in K, but he started getting bored in first grade with easy stuff). Dropping ETC = more time to play, even if it's only a few minutes. :)

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If you feel like she needs review, then ETC 4 is the book with the tough concepts - open and closed syllables and the like.


But if you think she doesn't need it, then why bother? That's a good chunk of work you've laid out there for most first graders already.

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