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In need of parental advice

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Dd--13, has been talking back and very disrespectful lately. If I say the sky is blue she will argue that it isn't. I try not to argue with her but when she starts being disrespectful I am done! I am at my wits end with her. She is grounded--no phone, facebook, e-mail, tv, video games or hang out with friends. She still persist on talking back. She would NOT do this to her friends or any other adult. This has got to stop! For those parents that have been here before,please share some advice in what to do.

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:bigear: My 13 year old is the same way. I believe part of it is hormones and part of it is the normal growing up and being his own man stuff. It drives me nuts. I have found that unplugging him for a week tends to help get him back on the right track but at the rate he is going lately he will never have anything electronic again so I am thinking there must be another way.

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Have you had a conversation about her behavior and your concerns out of the moment?


With my daughter, if I sit down with her at a quiet time, when neither of us is upset and tell her what I'm seeing and why it bothers me she is usually really receptive. I try to let her know that I appreciate her struggle toward independence but that there are certain ways that we treat others and that I should be treated at least as well as she would treat a stranger.


We talk about things we could both do to make the situation better. Sometimes I push her buttons in ways I'm not aware of. Usually that conversations and our solutions last about six weeks. Then it's time for more talk.


I think the fact that I'm treating her like a valuable contributor makes a difference. My goal is to build a lasting relationship with a worthwhile adult. Since I'm helping shape the worthwhile adult, I feel compelled to teach her how to handle conflict, set boundaries and treat others. Because I want the relationship to last I try to model respect, caring and empathy for her.


This is not to say that I don't sometimes lose it when she behaves like the teenager that she is. We always have the talking relationship to fall back on because we both work hard at that.

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