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If you've ever read, Heaven is for Real, quick question

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I read Heaven is for Real a few months ago, and seem to remember that the mother had had a miscarriage previously and the 3 year old boy said he had met this sister in heaven. Am I remembering that correctly? Any other details about that part of the book that you recall? ( I don't own the book so I can't go back and check.)

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I read Heaven is for Real a few months ago, and seem to remember that the mother had had a miscarriage previously and the 3 year old boy said he had met this sister in heaven. Am I remembering that correctly? Any other details about that part of the book that you recall? ( I don't own the book so I can't go back and check.)



But the real shocker came when Colton told

his mother, “Mommy, I have two sisters.â€

Sonja told her son that he had to be referring


to his oldest sister, Cassie, and his cousin

Traci, but he responded: “No — I have two

sisters. You had a baby die in your tummy,

didn’t you?â€

Sonja told Lauer the family had never uttered

a word about the miscarriage to Colton —

and what’s more, they never even learned the

sex of their miscarried child. “It was a private

hurt that we didn’t even share with our

friends,†Sonja said, adding Colton’s

revelation was at first “shocking, but then a

relief that she’s OK, which we didn’t know

she was a she.â€

In a subsequent TODAY segment Monday,

Sonja filled in Colton’s description of his

meeting with his sister: “He told us what she

looked like, and she wouldn’t stop hugging

him. And she doesn’t have a name.â€

“When he told us about his sister in heaven,

that we hadn’t told him about, [it was]

another one of those ‘holy cow’ moments —

OK, he can’t make this stuff up, he can’t

invent this; no memory was planted,†Todd

told Lauer. “But the peace that came over us,

and the healing, like, ‘Wow, I have a daughter

in heaven waiting for me’ — I think a lot of

people need that type of hope and healing,

too. And I think that’s what a lot of people

are finding when they hear Colton’s

testimony, to know what they have to look

forward to.â€

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