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McRuffy Phonics for Grade 2?


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My older ds used McRuffy 2nd and 3rd grade phonics and loved them. He took off reading last year, so we didn't bother with continuing past the first semester of 3rd grade.


The lessons are short and scripted. I was comfortable without the script, but it was very nice to have it there! We used a lap sized whiteboard for most of the lessons, so we were able to cuddle on the couch and do phonics. He loved the stories too, and has all the books from the 2nd and 3rd grade programs lined up on his bookshelves in his room. He still enjoys rereading them occasionally.


Best of all, as I said, he took off reading and he loves to read, so McRuffy was resoundingly successful for us.

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We used it for 1st with my oldest, and my youngest is finishing up kindergarten. She will then move into 1st, and if she still needs phonics instruction after that, we will move into 2nd as well. I am really a fan of the program.


The only reason my oldest didn't continue on with it is because she has never really needed phonics instruction. By the time we were halfway through 1st, we were skipping the phonics part of the lessons and just doing the spelling and language activities. She has been really hard to fit into any kind of program that covers more than one subject, since she's sort of all over the board with levels.


My youngest has really been thriving with it, though. It's simple, yet thorough. The readers have cute stories, too, although I have not seen 2nd or 3rd grade yet.

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