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x-post ~ Key to Math Series (few questions)

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We love this series.

I have a few questions:


1. If a child need extra drill and I mean, the type of child, who really and truly forgets math rules, etc. - would you keep repeating this series OR would you move on to other books? Ds has an extremely short memory when it comes to math. :banghead:


2. Do you think it's more effective to work through one entire series at a time or switch around? For example, do all of the Fractions books, then move on to say, Decimals, etc. OR to alternate one book of Fractions, then one book of Decimals, back to Fractions, or whatever?


3. Most importantly, what program/books can you recommend after completing the Key To series?


Thank you so much. :)

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1. I am using "Arithmetic the Easy Way" and *Barron's E-Z Math" for review of math this year. I like the first book better because it has pre-tests and post-tests for each chapter. I had dd take the pretests until she reached the chapter where she got more than 3 wrong and I'll have her start with that chapter. There are a few other concepts in earlier chapters that I will have her review too since she had a few weak areas there. She is doing review in part for standardized testing and partly to prepare her for SAT/ACT testing in another year. Two years of Algebra drove so much other math out of her brain.



2. I wish I'd had dd switch around rather than completing each series in sequence. Completing each series in sequence left gaps some years when she did standardized testing. If she hadn't had to do standardized testing those years it wouldn't have mattered though.


3. I don't know the answer to this one. I'm starting dd in the Key to Geometry series this year but I don't know if we will stick with it for the whole year or change to something else later. I've heard good things about Teaching Textbooks but am reluctant to spend that much money on a program that we might not like. When she finishes geometry she will do Consumer math and then I am not insisting on any more math for her (this is her choice).

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Thank you so much. :)


I wish I'd had dd switch around rather than completing each series in sequence. Completing each series in sequence left gaps some years when she did standardized testing. If she hadn't had to do

My dc don't have to do standardized testing. Not yet, anyway. So, I guess completing each series is fine, right?


I've heard good things about Teaching Textbooks but am reluctant to spend that much money on a program that we might not like.

Yes, me too ... especially since we live outside the U.S. and returning things is one giant pain. :glare:

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