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Please help me with my math saga...

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I've switched curriculums way too many times and really need to stop. I could really use any help in finding a new curriculum. We started with Saxon and things went pretty well until 5/4 then they hit a wall. Math wasn't fun anymore for them and when I would introduce word problems from other curriculums they would be lost. So, I'm doing MM with them now. I like MM because it makes them think but I don't like how there is no review until the review, ywim? The boys need daily cummulative review(like Saxon) to keep the concepts fresh. Do you know of something like MM that makes them think and uses word problems but has daily review of past concepts(like Saxon)? CLE perhaps?

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You can use the worksheet generator. Also, word problems in MM tend to review concepts.


If the issue is just topics such as time and measurement, you can alternate those pages with other pages, doing them all year long to keep the concepts fresh. The arithmetic itself is typically building upon itself, so some review is built in that way as well.

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I guess I could but they need daily review of the concepts we have covered in the unit. For example, we are doing units of measurement now and have covered volume, length,etc. We are almost done with the unit and studied ml and L today. When I looked foward to the review, I saw all the concepts covered before and know they won't remember all the conversions because it's been a week or two since it's been covered. They need daily constant review and I don't have the time to make worksheets every day(I have a newborn baby too:001_smile:)

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One thing I do is let my boys make themselves a "cheat sheet" for conversions.


So when we get to one we can't remember they can look it up and write it on a Post it to use for that days math. If they have to look it up and write it down every time they will either remember it or know how to find it (we use the dictionary or enclopedia or a cookbook or some folders have that info, instead of just our math text). Either way is okay with me!

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