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MPAH-I don't like the TM. Do you use yours?

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I like the books (text, activities, HOTS and tests), but I think the TM is a hot mess. There are pages and pages of stuff that IMO isn't organized in a way I like. Each book (it covers all the books in the 3/4 series) is broken down in the following way:

-Inquiry Table

-Theme Overview

-Gap Chart

-Chapter Overview

-Reading Materials For Teachers

-Lesson Plans

-Textbook Wraparound (shows a smaller version of the tb with notes)

-Activity Book Wraparound (shows a smaller version of the ab with notes)


So, for each chapter, you have to look at every section listed above. Also, as far as I can see, they don't ever address how to work in the HOTS, homework (which I don't have), or tests. For as much as this book costs, shouldn't that be in there somewhere? I feel crazy just looking at the TM!

For those that have the TM, do you use it? If so, how do you get around not feeling overwhelmed when you look at it????


I could send it back, but they have a 10% restocking fee (which I think sucks), plus I have to pay to ship it back, and they already charged me $32 in shipping, when all of the books I ordered (TM, Diversity text and activity book, HOTS and tests) would easily have fit in the $10.95 flat rate priority box (the box they came in is actually smaller than the flat rate box). I thought about just selling it used (even though it's new) at a loss, just because the restocking fee and shipping fee make me mad. Why should I send back a brand new book at a loss, just so they can turn around and sell it new?

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I use tabs for each section. You can ignore the gap chart and I generally ignore the theme overview.


I'll have my son read the reading material for teachers after he's done that chapter's work. It gives him a bit more background.


Homework, HOTS, and tests are in the lesson plans. For instance, on p220 under Evaluate, it has them do Cycles Ch 2 of Homework and Cycles Ch 2 of HOTS.


I like the additional websites mentioned in the lessons and have found them to be useful. I've started emailing my son the websites and he can look at them on his own without me loading them up on the computer :)

I've sometimes gotten book suggestions from the TG as well in the lesson plans.


The wrap-around for the activity book isn't much help - especially when they say to get the materials from the supply closet :D but I do like the extensions in the text wraparound.


I think the Diversity text/lesson plans are the worst of the bunch.

I'm glad I've got the TG though.


Tabs in the book have helped me. I keep them at our current book in Notes for Teachers, Lesson Plan, Text wraparound, Activity Wrap Around. I also type lesson plans separately that helps me note where I want to be at a certain point. The really strange thing is that sometimes the Lesson Plans have you do work in a different order than in the text & activity book. I've liked the teacher's guide approach better than just using the text... but it's definitely not just open & go for me.

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