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Newly discovered authors - fiction

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I've discovered 2 authors of cozy mysteries lately, whose books I have really enjoyed. By "cozy", I mean there are no gruesome details about murder and mayhem (IMO) or sexplicit scenes (rated G).


I read a lot of mysteries, but the cozy ones usually don't hold my interest. I like Charlaine Harris, M. C. Beaton, Emily Brightwell, and Nancy Atherton.


Luckily, the first books of the series below were offered free on the Kindle, or I wouldn't have discovered these authors and enjoyed their books.


#1 Paper, Scissors, Death: A Kiki Lowenstein Scrap-N-Craft Mystery



The other books in the series, which is not finished, are:

Cut, Crop& Die

Photo, Snap, Shot

Make, Take, Murder

Ready, Scrap, Shoot


I enjoyed these books even though I am not a scrapbooker. The main character (Kiki) has a Great Dane, and the books are set in St. Louis.


#2 Ivy Malone series by Lorena McCourtney



The books in the series are:


In Plain Sight

On the Run



Unfortunately, this series seems to have ended after 4 books. The main character, Ivy Malone, is an old lady who has been compared to Miss Marple by reviewers. The author writes Christian mysteries.


Have you discovered any new authors lately? If so, please share!

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I recently discovered Michelle Moran. I read Nefertiti and The Heretic Queen and LOVED them. They are really, really great stories. No explicit sex or violence, though it is referred to. Then I read Cleopatra's Daughter and was literally sick to my stomach. There is a LOT of violence that is referred to- nothing graphically described....just mentioned. And it is relevant to the story and I'm sure it's very historically accurate. But it made me not want to read any more stories that take place in ancient Rome. Blech. But I highly recommend the first two. (Egypt instead of Rome.....seems it was not as violent a society????)

That's my only newly discovered author!

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