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I think DD8 is not a natural speller. She has been doing AAS, and has finished level 1 and part of level 2. It just doesn't seem to be sinking in. One day she will remember the rule for using -ck, the next it is gone. She does pretty well memorizing the poems in FLL, but memorizing these rules *seems* to be not working. She doesn't apply the rules she has learned after the intensive lesson is over. Does that make sense? She tells me she doesn't like spelling, and she gets antsy with me guiding her through the AAS lessons.


I am debating on whether to just continue with the AAS (which works fabulously with DD6, who willingly and consistently applies the rules she has learned in her spelling) or switching DD8 to something different. I have been looking into A Reason for Spelling or Sequential Spelling or Apples and Pears?


Does anyone have any insight and can lead me in the right direction? I don't know if I should even switch or just continue on with AAS. :confused:

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Sequential Spelling doesn't even give rules--it just tries to do everything from word families, and let associations to the families do the job. That seems even more tenuous than AAS, to me.


But someone else may have more knowledge about it than I do.

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I have one child who has an incredibly hard time spelling. A reading specialist suggested to focus just on copy work and dictation. I have seen some improvement. Still plugging away. She struggles with reading so that doesn't help.

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I have one child who has an incredibly hard time spelling. A reading specialist suggested to focus just on copy work and dictation. I have seen some improvement. Still plugging away. She struggles with reading so that doesn't help.


That's good to know. She is a good reader, and we do copywork and dictation nearly every day.

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