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CLE Reading vs. DITHOR

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If you've used both, which did you prefer? We are currently using CLE Reading but may switch to HOD next fall and like that DITHOR is scheduled(although I'd like to stretch it out for 2 years like it shows as an option on the website-if you've done this would you let me know how it works?)

Also, the readers for the 4/5..would you say they are at that level or advanced? My boys both read at an advanced level so I don't want to go down a level, ywim? Also, how much involvement does it take on my part?

Thanks for your help (-:

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We use CLE and we all (the kids and I) love it. My kids are very advanced readers. I would say that the books themselves are pretty close to "grade level", though the meat is in the workbooks. They are challenging and interesting without being busy work or too extreme. For us, they are an insurance policy that we hit all the things they need - literary terms, testing skills, etc. that we might skip over since they are such voracious readers. My kids also love the stories and have reread the books a number of time. I did not see your kids ages - but the 2nd grade and below cover A LOT of phonics, which may or may not be a good thing for your family. 3rd grade to 5th (which I've read through or used) cover reading skills and application. The scope and sequence on the website is very accurate.


ETA - I'd use them on grade level. And, virtually no work on your part aside from grading. It take my kids between 15 and 30 minutes to do a lesson (we use them daily for a half year) depending on if they have a story to read or not. It's one of their favorite subjects.

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