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Yes, Christmas is. But I don't buy the excuse that since one holiday is overdone....they all have the right to be! :confused:


I have sat her for 2 nights now listening to dog barking all over the neighborhood as M80s boom around us (sounds like a shotgon blast) startling the crap out of everyone. Waking up my 4 year old who is terrified of the sound and then trying to lull her back to sleep, just to have another one go off. Some aerial works are legal here but people also go to the reservation and buy a ton of illegal stuff too. I have a neighbor who lets off PALLETS of fire works. $10,000 worth. He sells them, so he gets them at cost. We have burn marks in our garage door, our front porch and dents in the hood of my car from his debris hitting it. He caught the neighbors roof on fire one year, luckily we were here to hose it down.


A neighbors house (a few houses away) burnt down a couple of years ago from kids and fireworks.


If the forth is celebrated on the forth, no problem. It just listening to all the noise for 3 days prior and 2-3 days after that gets annoying. One night of fun is great. It is the 3 nights of being startled/a kid waking up terrified every 30 minutes/dogs barking incessantly from 9-midnight/and having to do a property check every hour watching for burning debris....that gets old, and we do it for a week each year.


If you look around our neighborhood there are fireworks going for hours, in every direction. Many, many that are so big that you can see them 1/4 mile away 15-20 feet over the top of two story houses. I have old video I can show you of how insane it is here, this isn't just a few people letting of 8 foot tall sparking things in the street. I am talking about 40-50 foot aerials....going on for hours, multiple nights.


You have a point, and I don't blame you one bit for being annoyed!

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