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Calling All Excel Experts

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Here's my dilemma - I would like to give my two oldest a checklist each week to manage their own subjects. I'm envisioning a sheet that labels the subjects and then lists the 5 days worth of work with check boxes under each subject. Sort of like this:


__ pp. 2-4, ex. 1

__ pp. 5-7, ex. 2


I usually make my master plan for all 3 kids for 6 months at a time in an Excel spreadsheet. Then, I specify just the week I need and print it. We've always just used my copy and worked together, but I would like the kids to be able to work a little more independently this year. Is there an easy way to take data from the portion of the Excel sheet that I highlight and make a "to do" checklist for the kids? I can see it in my head, just can't figure out how to get the computer to understand. :)



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Is there an easy way to take data from the portion of the Excel sheet that I highlight and make a "to do" checklist for the kids? I can see it in my head, just can't figure out how to get the computer to understand.


You can print just certain cells, is that what you mean? I created a checklist for my kids using Excel. It's a general one with daily lists. Monday might have math, grammar, spelling, history while Tuesday has science instead of history, etc. I laminated them so we re-use them each week.

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Let me see if I understand ....


One worksheet will contain all of your lessons. One worksheet will contain the list that you want the kids to complete?


If you use the second worksheet method, you could create a block and name it. Use mouse to highlight the area, go to the name box and name it week1. Go to the second sheet to the cell where you want the list to start. Enter in the first cell "=worksheetname!week1" without the quotes.


This will copy it over.


You can name each week on the primary plans worksheet as week1, week2, et cetera. You only need to change the name on worksheet two "=worksheetname!week2" to repopulate the list.


Does this help? If you need an example, drop me a pm. Sketch out what you want for a visual. I can reproduce. :) In return, you can read a book for me, LOL. I am screening literature:lol: I believe in barter. :001_smile:

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Let me see if I understand ....


One worksheet will contain all of your lessons. One worksheet will contain the list that you want the kids to complete?


If you use the second worksheet method, you could create a block and name it. Use mouse to highlight the area, go to the name box and name it week1. Go to the second sheet to the cell where you want the list to start. Enter in the first cell "=worksheetname!week1" without the quotes.


This will copy it over.


You can name each week on the primary plans worksheet as week1, week2, et cetera. You only need to change the name on worksheet two "=worksheetname!week2" to repopulate the list.


Does this help? If you need an example, drop me a pm. Sketch out what you want for a visual. I can reproduce. :) In return, you can read a book for me, LOL. I am screening literature:lol: I believe in barter. :001_smile:


SC isn't too far from NC. Can you tutor in Math? I've probably read all of the literature you need to screen. ;)

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Absolutely, I love math! I never have the time to read it all! I do hate to hand a book to dd at 10 without knowing what is in it though. KWIM? Scarry some things are ...


What are you using for math?


(Crap, I forgot about dinner again. Anyone want to trade and cook for me? LOL)

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Thanks for the suggestion. I was really hoping to not just copy over what I have, but to reformat it into a checklist style. You're definitely on the right track of making them so they will update each week. It definitely needs to link to the main worksheet so their sheets will updated when I put in my updates. Hmmm...maybe I'll try to play with smaller blocks so that I can put them in a different format. I've also considered something like a merge in Word, but need to check into that more thoroughly. Any other thoughts?


Unfortunately, I'm not a very quick reader, ChrissySC, or I'd take you up on your barter offer. My stack of books to preview is so high as it is, I think they may soon fall off my night stand. Aaackkk! I could definitely cook you dinner, but I think it would be a little cold by the time it got to you. :)

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