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Where should we go for our 10 year anniversary?

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We have our 10 yr wedding anniversary coming up next month! Thought I'd surprise DH with some plans and kiddie-care all lined up. We just got back from our Williamsburg family vacation, so I can't go all out here, but I thought SOMETHING was in order! I can get my sister here to watch the kids for an evening or even overnight for one night (for free! what a good auntie!). Here's some ideas I've thought of:

- Dinner and movie (too boring? too cliche?)

- Dinner cruise somewhere (we live near Boston)

- One evening cooking class together (Williams Sonoma offers these, as I'm sure other places do - we love to cook and try new recipes, styles, etc.)

- Overnight at a B&B in Maine? (Ogunquit is about 1.5hrs north of us)

- Dinner in Boston plus IMAX at the science museum? or star-gazing at the science museum rooftop (they offer that on Friday nights)


Ugh. All of these ideas look to be more costly than I was hoping, but 10yrs only comes along once,right? We don't have "date nights" very often. I've been either pregnant or nursing, or dealing with poorly sleeping children for the last 10yrs! ;-p Maybe I should spend the money on some sort of gift instead of getting out.


What do you think? What did you do for your 10 yr? What has your DH most appreciated for an anniversary outing or gift?


Thanks for your input and thoughts!

- Stacey in MA

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If you all enjoy and/or crave time by yourself ( my husband and I do!) then I vote for the B&B or an overnight trip to somewhere...we went for a weekend to a nearby resort for our 10 year anniversary last summer and it was SO NICE to be alone... it was the first time we'd gone away since our honeymoon! We didn't do a lot, but we enjoyed sleeping in, naps, no schedule, etc.

Hope you have a great anniversary!


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We haven't been away/alone much in the last 10 yrs either! But I know it's supposed to be "healthy" - hee hee! We are just in that busy period of our lives, with little ones, and there isn't a time when someone doesn't "need" us for something. Perhaps I'll look into that - just being away and alone, but w/out much of an agenda.


thanks!- Stacey

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we did the B&B -- actually we did that for our tenth AND our eleventh! ;) Twelfth is coming up but I think we'll scale back to just a really nice dinner... we only actually get away overnight if my inlaws are in town to babysit.


We've also done cooking classes as just a regular date night and that has always been fun.

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