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My Father's Day haul...

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Today I got the first two seasons of The West Wing on DVD, a running shirt, and...


The Well-Trained Mind (3rd-Edition)!!!


I have read the second edition that I checked out from the library. I specifically had requested the non-Kindle edition so I could highlight and share it with dw, etc.


Super excited about all of the above!


What are there differences between the second and third editions, BTW?

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I have the 2nd edition. When I borrowed a copy of the 3rd edition the main difference I noticed were in the logic stage. Lots of things were more clearly explained in the 3rd edition. Other people can give you more specifics, I'm sure, but I was looking purposely for better directions on teaching outining and the 3rd edition had it!! Yay!!


Happy Father's Day!:D

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