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I am attempting to select a good Biblically-integrated curriculum for next year. I am interested in ones that use a CM-style approach. Since I tend to try to do too much (when I have planned it on my own and used my own resources) I thought this year I'd try something that someone else had put together for me. I have narrowed it down to two choices: HOD and MFW.


Since I have not done either before I was considering HOD Hearts for Him Through Time: Creation to Christ and either Exploring Countries and Cultures or Creation to the Greeks, to begin at the beginning, in a sense. My dd is currently 13 and in 7th grade. But because of her dyslexia I was concerned with MFW being too rigorous for her. She is a somewhat independent learner. And I was concerned that HOD might be a bit tedious. She reads at around the 5th grade level but her writing is lacking in substance (maybe around the 3-4th grade level?).


Also, could someone tell me how much time is involved in doing the HOD or ECC from MFW? Are they both 4 day a week programs? Any other thoughts would be most helpful.

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My SIL with teaching 5 children, it takes between 3-5 hours including a break for lunch. But she is also always doing either a K or 1st as well so that cuts into the time as well.


This is for MFW.


Lets see, she is teaching 2 4th graders, 2 2nd graders and a Ker.


From what she has told me, it is a five day program but Friday or whatever day you need it to be is VERY light. And if you wanted to you could do some of the Friday stuff on a different day to make it so one day is completely free.

Edited by EgoElfWife
fixed grades of SILs children
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We just finished a year of CTC. It takes roughly four hours a day, is semi-independent, and is scheduled for four days a week.


Writing is a focus of HoD, so I think it would be excellent for one who needs strengthening in that area. If you haven't already, take a look at the first week of plans pdf on the CTC page. Also read the "Reasons" sticky on the forum to get a better feel for the program.


I have not used MFW.


Sorry this is short, I have to run! Hopefully some others will chime in.

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Here is another thread running on this exact topic.




Here was my personal response on the other thread: (copied and pasted)


I completely agree that you need to stick with what's working. If planning is what's got you down right now, then you couldn't have picked two better programs to pick from.

I like HOD for elementary, though because I was able to get MFW Adventures at an extremely cheap cost, I am doing that with my daughter this year. However, I am planning on using HOD for next year, probably Preparing Hearts year. I really appreciate the planned layout, and the resources look really beautiful. As for MFW, I have used it in the elementary years, and I just don't care for the science. Especially not crazy about the resources for the CtoG year. And then I was going to go with MFW for my son for high school for next year, but then I realized that they spread World History out over two years, and then spread US History out over two years as well. My son only needs 3 history credits for his high school transcripts, so I'm weighing the purpose of whether or not we really need four years of history. So, basically in a nutshell, if I had to choose one over the over, I'd go with HOD. (If I was in a financial position to buy whatever I wanted.)


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