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2 1/2 month old "poo" question (sorry?!)

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My Dd has had an extremely runny poo the last 2 mornings. Her "routine" is a dirty first thing in the morning and occasionally another late morning, but often only the one. I was a little concerned yesterday when she had the runny one and if she had more during the day, I was going to take her to the dr. It was just the one (as usual) for the day. This morning the same. She's her happy self/no other symptoms. If she was my first, I probably would take her in, but since she's my fourth, I'm thinking I'll just keep an eye on things. (More relaxed, you know ;)) I'm not worried about her hydration in the least. I do breastfeed, but my diet hasn't changed/no meds/etc. She is eating normally. Should I take her to the dr at any point or are really runny poos not abnormal? Didn't have this with any of my other kiddos. (Dh is out of town, so I don't have my "live-in" second opinion.)



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Any color change to any great extent? I know this is odd, but did you add cereal? I know some older mothers, like myself, that were taught with our first to add cereal at night, very thin. If you are one who does this, remember to use rice. :)


Otherwise, I would give it 3-4 days as long as you do not experience this more than once or twice a day. Monitor her temperature. Any low-grade, and I would be apt to take my third to the dr. so you should take your fourth. LOL


After a few days, time to see the doctor. It could be anything.

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