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Information on 4-H

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I went to a event put on by a local human society today. We went up to the llama pen to see the llama's. The lady there started telling me about 4-H. The kids were in a 4-H about 5yrs ago and they really didn't like it. This one is held on the llama farm! My kids were so excited about it and decided they did not want to do co-op next year..just the 4-H. They were thinking they would start on Monday!!! I had to break the news and tell them they would not start until August.


Anyone here do things with animals? I love animals, but I don't know what is expected of my kids. She said rain, sleet or snow, she expects the kids to be there!!:gnorsi:

Is this something that I need to really think about?? What if we can't go one week??

She also told me that if she could find 3 more homeschooling children 10 and up, she would hold the class on Monday morning..I am really wondering about this..we do have school work!

The classes are 3hrs every wk!!! Won't we get burned out???


Any information you can give me would be appreciated!

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My daughter does 4H and is in several project. I can say that the project rules are as varied as the project leaders. Our horse project leader is the same way as the llama leader. She is volunteering her own personal time away from her horse business for us. She expects the children to come on time, to have done the homework she assigns and to do the project without ANY parental assistance. She also has a fervent belief that children can do the things she is asking even if really tough. She is right. They do figure out how to do it even if it takes really LONG time.


Your project sounds like a really fun one. Good luck with your decision.:)

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Or does that sound about right? I know they will have to feed the animals, but if we do this every Monday morning, then I will have to cut out some school lessons..like history and science, these are the two that I think will be covered by the 4-H.


Dc are so excited, but I am worried that dc will get burned out doing this for this long every week.

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