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DS is registered for next year


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Well that was interesting. After weeks of struggle and trying to find answers we have finally settled on a plan for ds12 and got him registered. He is going to still be homeschooling but be fully aligned in a special needs class. Which means he is following alberta curriculum but down to bare bone minimum with a lot of modifactions. IF he follows this track through high school he will get a high school certificate not a diploma, but he can still do his apprenticeship in high school like planned. In order to register for this program he has to skip grade 7 and register for grade 8 (which he would have been next year if I had not had him register for grade 5 twice). He will be doing paper modules until we get internet at home and then will finish his classes online.


So that means 1 home next year, 1 in preschool 2 days a week and 2 off to public school for the year. now to figure out how to have ds adequately supervised when I am at work when he is too old to go to work with me.

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