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We have bunnies!

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Dd14's bff from church is a bunny owner. She bred her male and female and we were going to take one of the babies. Well, tragically, several days after the babies were born, neighborhood dogs killed the mama bunny and 2 babies during the night. 4 survived. Out of those 4, 1 remains and is doing well. Aaannnyway, dd went camping with the family and got a 2 mos. old bunny from a breeder there at the farm. :D Then, today, as we were looking for a cage, I saw the sweetest little bunny at the local pet store. I couldn't resist. So, now we have 2 little bunnies and they are very happy together. One is all grey, and bigger than I expected her to be. Dd's named her Dusty. The newest one is only 6 wks old. and white with grey flecks all over. Smaller than Dusty. We named her Oreo. Just had to share. Dh his allergic to all furry animals so we were soooo shocked when he agreed to the bunnies. :D I don't know who loves them more...me or the kids. :lol: Anybody have any tips for first-time bunny owners?

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