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progesterone - possibly TMI women's issues

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I was diagnosed with a uterine polyp last month, and my gyn put me on 20 mg of Provera - two weeks on, two weeks off, two weeks on, two weeks off. I am on the last two weeks of taking it, in the middle. The stuff is wrecking me.:confused:


It is like PMS on speed. I feel very angry and emotional all the time. My sleep is very disturbed, waking early and not being able to go back to sleep, waking in the middle of the night and laying there for 2 hours.


This is a very high dose of Provera. It is only made in 10mg tablets so I have to take two. Has anyone been on this stuff at this dosage and lived to tell? Is this what menopause is like?:001_huh: (I'm 44 so menopause is looming in the near enough future.)


I feel like I could beat up a room of people for no good reason and then sit and cry about it. I am generally a patient, kind, loving person. This is the anti-me, and I am not liking it.:001_huh:

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I'm so sorry. :grouphug:

I wish I had something wise to say and some useful tips to share. :confused:

No experience with uterine polyps.

I just googled "uterine polyps natural treatments" and many pages came up.

This one might be of interest.

Reading your post makes me feel bad that you're suffering and reminded me of what Peela wrote to me: "When the treatment is worse than the disease, it seems too extreme to me."

Obviously, something is not right with the treatment. After the 2 weeks, what then? Can you try natural approaches? Do you have to keep going back on it? There are natural progesterone creams, etc. As well as Vitex (Chasteberry), but again don't know anything about uterine polyps.

Bumping in case anyone else does.

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Thank you, dear. I appreciate the response...and the sympathy.:D I knew it was a long shot that someone might have information/experience...I will check out your link.


I feel a bit vague about what happens now, though I need a follow up sonogram. I think the purpose of the progesterone was to "blast the sucker out". Sorry for the TMI mental image as well as the crude non-medical terminology. I'm vague about the plan after that if it is not taken care of. When I went for this appointment, I had to take my three youngest kids, sit in a crowded waiting room with them for two hours and then spend an hour with my five year old while I was in various stages of undress, including the sonogram with the "magic wand". I think the tech should have sent me flowers after that one.;) So, by the end, I was worn smooth out and had to rush out to take my kids to piano because I had not planned to be there for THREE HOURS. I do love my OB, though. I don't mind so much having some sort of "procedure", just not getting rid of any of my parts. I figure we have them for a reason, and it is best to keep them if at all possible. I will not agree to do this progesterone again, that is for certain.


I was mostly wondering if others had experience either with uterine polyps or with high doses of progesterone. I can't recommend, either, really.:tongue_smilie:

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Sorry for the TMI mental image as well as the crude non-medical terminology.

None at all that I noticed. :grouphug:

After kids, nothing is TMI or crude as far as I'm concerned, after all that our bodies go through.


I think the tech should have sent me flowers after that one.;)

:iagree: :D


I don't mind so much having some sort of "procedure", just not getting rid of any of my parts. I figure we have them for a reason, and it is best to keep them if at all possible. I will not agree to do this progesterone again, that is for certain.

I was mostly wondering if others had experience either with uterine polyps or with high doses of progesterone. I can't recommend, either, really.:tongue_smilie:

You're very wise.


Bumping, in hopes that if anyone else has had this experience, they can share.

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