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HOD RtoR and combining---what would you do?

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It sounds like you really like HOD but also want to be together in your studies. Which is more important to you? I can't tell you to just do Preparing b/c just b/c I say it (or somebody else does) if it doesn't "fit" or you don't want to do it...it won't get done. KWIM? And even if it does get done, you won't have much fun. HOD shouldn't be a drudgery. That is what LHFHG became for me...a drudgery...something to just get done and check off. So I dropped it! Will your oldest do RtR completely on his own? Will you read-aloud any of the history? Your dd could just sit in on some of the readings and notebook at her own skill level. If you go with God's Design and use the Apol. Astron., she could easily follow along as well and just do activities, again, at her own level. Apol. has lapbooks to go along with the Exploring Creation series that she could do. And God's Design is suitable for a 9yo, IMO. And, of course, she would do math, la, etc. at her own level anyway. Make sense? I think you could make it work, but it would take some planning and tweaking. :D

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I don't know....I do want my son to continue with RtoR, CtoC has gone so well. If I combine my DD in RtoR, then I guess it would be odd to go back the next year and start her on CtoC on her own. So then I would be combining them each year from there on out. Hmm. I don't know.

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Yes, there is that. :tongue_smilie: Well, doing 2 guides really isn't that bad, but it does take planning. If your oldest is doing RtR, which is designed to be mostly independent, that would free you up to do Preparing with dd. IMO, your 4yo doesn't HAVE to do a separate guide just yet. It's nice to have something separate for the littles, but if time is an issue, really just some read-aloud time, the 3Rs and you're good, kwim?

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