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YALQ (Yet another Latin question)


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DS9 finished LfC A this year. We both liked it, but while he enjoys Latin, he isn't inspired (ok, that sounds awfully lofty, lol - I just mean, he isn't left really curious about going deeper after he's done his lessons - he once *loved* Latin, and now, meh, "it's okay"). I think he needs something a little more... aggressive? He gets bored/distracted when he isn't having to apply what he's learned. So, in LfC, he learned the vocabulary easily and quickly, but even with the additional practice from the site (and I don't care for the Libellus de Historia, although we used it), he didn't seem to have enough practice. So today, we looked at Latin Prep together, and we both like it. He'd like to try it. I'm good with that.


My question is, for a 10yo 5th grader, with PL and LfC-A under his belt, and a strong grammar foundation, would you recommend So You Really Want to Learn Latin, or go straight to Latin Prep I? And while I'm asking, is So You Really... the book before Latin Prep I?


I'm leaning toward ordering both, letting him work through the first book at his own pace and then picking up the second book. We've got plenty more coming up in the next few years who will use the first book at some point, so it wouldn't be a waste of money. AND, it would still be less of a financial outlay than LfC-B. So, that's cleared w/ the Principal. ;)



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Dy, you want Latin Prep.


So You Really is meant for older beginners ... about age 13, I think. Latin Prep is targeted at younger beginners. For a full sequence of Latin, you'd do Latin Prep 1, 2, and 3, and then finish with So You Really Want to Learn Latin 3.


By then we'll have seduced you into supplementing with Lingua Latina, too ;-)

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Dy, you want Latin Prep.


So You Really is meant for older beginners ... about age 13, I think. Latin Prep is targeted at younger beginners. For a full sequence of Latin, you'd do Latin Prep 1, 2, and 3, and then finish with So You Really Want to Learn Latin 3.


By then we'll have seduced you into supplementing with Lingua Latina, too ;-)


Thank you, thank you! (And you're probably right... just a little more grammar and I think I'll be pestering you about Lingua Latina... :D)


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