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How teacher/parent intensive *is* IEW??

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The two things that are holding me back are: the cost and how I've read that it's pretty teacher intensive.


I plan on teaching it to my up and coming 5th grader in the fall, but will *also* have a young infant. I'm already anticipating plenty for me to do regarding history/science. Not a whole lot of prep but just making sure we have what we need before hand.


Can anyone help me with this? Thanks!

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Well, it depends on what you're using. If you're using SWI then there is no prep at all. You simply put in the DVD, let Andrew teach a wonderful lesson, and then help your child with the assignment. The only time for you would be watching the DVD with him (DVD lessons are about 1 every week or every other week) and then helping him with any questions he has. You'd also edit his papers for him. But you would be doing this with any writing curriculum. Also, IEW recommends that you as the parent watch the TWSS before teaching the accompanying lesson on the SWI. Some people say you can get by without the TWSS. You probably can. But it depends on how much you want to understand how to help your child. I like improving my teaching skills, and learning how to teach writing, so I enjoy the TWSS. Either way I would join the IEW yahoo group so you can ask any questions you may have along the way. I love IEW and don't feel like it's more time consuming or teacher intensive than any other writing program. Writing is one subject that shouldn't be self taught. You should always be available for questions, encouragement and editing.

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I have your same reservations. What I did was buy All Things Fun and Fascinating by Lori Vergstrom (it's an IEW product). It's only $29 at cbd and you really get all the good parts of IEW, it seems to me. It's not particularly teacher-intensive or student-intensive (unless you treat it that way, I guess). It's gentle, but high quality. Down the road, I may fork over all that money and watch the videos, but for now that one book is stellar! No videos needed, no teacher guide. And I will definitely explore some of their other book options in future years (we are 4th/5th grade right now) rather than buy the SWIs. It's too expensive. I can't bring myself to do it, and now with their other $29 and $49 book options out, I don't think I have to. Yea!

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I would say that to teach IEW the way they want it taught you have to 1st learn their way of doing things with the dvd's and book for parents, then go on to the student books, It is good to learn for the parents, I learned alot in the IEW. It is a great program. We have taught it at co-op for the past 2 years, next year however, we are going to take a break. nancyt.

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