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OooooK.... Need collections help...

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*Deep Breath*


Ok We have a medical bill in collections. You might think humph, only one? Yes only one but this is after we have worked the last 5 years to get our credit clean from previous collections. They were smaller collections and we just paid them off one at a time in a lump sum after making deals. This one is larger than those.


The medical bill went to collections without warning. I have the paper saying we made a payment in February. We got the collection notice in March.


If you saw my earlier post today my dh needs a root canal, post and a crown. That is going to cost us 3k. We are going to get the CareCredit card to pay for that. Not only that but he need extensive dental work done in order to keep his teeth from needing more root canals and crowns. Don't even ask how much it is. I can buy a new compact car with the amount.


Anyway. What is your experience with collections and making payments? We cannot make large payments every month. We already will with the other medical issues.


I am afraid to contact them, I don't want threats and I don't want it to hit our credit.. if I can help it.


So I don't know what to do.

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