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Read The Core?

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I'm pretty new here, and I've been reading the book The Core: Teaching Your Child the Foundations of Classical Education. Has anyone else read this? I was wondering because in the geography section the author recommends children drawing their own maps. Does anyone do this? Do your children like this? Do you use pre-made outline maps as well, where the child labels the map? If you do use this method where did you get your map you use for copying?

Just wondering, (thinking about trying this)


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Yes, we have done that method. What worked best for us was to use a premade outline map with a peice of tracing paper paperclipped to it (so it wouldn't scoot around). They would trace the boundaries of the countries and label. As they get more comfortable with the boundaries I would start asking them to free hand draw the map - using loose "blobs" first and then working each time to refine the boundaries to more closely match the shape of the country. My youngers (under 2nd grade) stayed with tracing, my middles (3-4th grade) do a combo, my oldest (5th+ grades) can just work on free hand, refining their maps each time. It is amazing how quickly they learn to do this - it is just like the copy drawing they already like and can do.


I use the maps from Classical Conversations, but I know there are several websites that offer simple maps to trace. I just can't think of them off the top of my head right now!


It is a great method. Another resource to help you with that idea is David Smith's Mapping the World by Heart. The maps are included with that curriculum with step by step how to walk through doing it with your kids.


Enjoy your geography lessons - it is amazing how much conversation uses geographical references. A lost skill.

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