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Memory Work with Music?


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I have a question about this. I know a lot of people use songs to help children memorize things. I am looking to purchase Geography Songs and the States and Capitals cd as well. However I purchased the book Living Memory and the advice was if you are memorizing long list of things like states first divide them into regions then memorize the the states in the regions and then the capitals. So we started learning the six regions of the United States and I have outlined those areas on the map but the states and capitals song is not taught be regions. Do any of you know of songs that teach the states and capitals by regions?

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We love Audio Memory's world geography, but don't like the states/capitals one nearly as much. All the songs sound the very similar on the states/capitals one, so it is easy to get them confused.


We worked on the states by region in the house until they at least pronounced them properly, then used the states songs (which are by region) on that Audio Memory CD to learn the locations. Again, not my fav CD, but it did work.

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I should clarify this a bit more. The cd mentioned above breaks the states and capitals down by states that border the south, north, east, west and then the middle states. Thats how their regions are taught and it goes states by state. I like the jingle. But it does not teach by the regions which are

New England

Middle Atlantic





So, do any of you know songs that teach by the six regions. I feel that since I have started our memory work this way it will be confusing to introduce a song that teaches the capitals and states differently.

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