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Graduation gifts for your student and others?

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For graduation gifts, I usually give $ or a Target gift card (for a student who will be living in the dorm). Does anybody have any other ideas for friends/family?


Also, what about for your own student? Dh and I agreed to buy a plane ticket for dd to go on a trip at the end of June with her bff and bff's grandparents. We are calling it her "senior trip", so I'm thinking that's enough of a gift.

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Well, when our oldest graduated high school we paid for his Sr. Week - here it's a trip to the beach w/ lots of high school friends. We also bought him a lap-top and a new camera for college.


Usually we give money to nieces/nephews, friends - but some of his bff's that were girls I did things like a gift card for mani/pedi; candles and foo-foo things for their dorm rooms; gift card to their favorite store, etc. It depends upon how well I know them and if I have a pretty good idea of what they like. A few of the boys I've done things like a video game I knew they wanted, a gift card to a favorite restaurant, and I baked them a fave treat (I'm one of the few mom's of my ds's friends that bake/cook and they all have request over the years).

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