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What do you think about Supercharged Science


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Several years ago, we did the $1 trial membership for a month. My oldest was 10 at the time, and as long as I had all the materials, he really went with it independently. All of my children loved it. I have to admit, I enjoyed it too :001_smile:. But I didn't quite get how the e-science curriculum was supposed to work. I wasn't exactly where to go on the website; it just didn't seem very organized. After watching a free tele-class a couple months ago, we were able to do the $1 trial again, and I was seriously considering just continuing with it. The website was easier to navigate around and was definitely more understandable the second time around. But we were already in the middle of astronomy this year, and I figured that I would wait until next year. Now that I'm at the point of really needing to decide, it comes down to expense. I know the kids would love it and learn a ton, but $37/month adds up, plus the materials. If I were you, I'd do the $1 trial and see what you think. I'm sure we'll do it for a couple months here and there, but for us, it's just too expensive to do it all year. HTH.

Edited by kjedlicka
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