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To all that agonize over spending money on curriculum..

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This morning, I was reminded that homeschooling is a bargin.


A friend of mine is a reading specialist at one of our local elementary schools. She posted pictures and information about a seminar she just attended this past week. The presentation was given by an educational consultant at an historic hotel in downtown Richmond, VA.


The subject matter was "Teaching Centers" and aimed at K-5 levels. The consultant was selling her books and dvd's at the seminar as well. This was a 3-day seminar and you could sign up for each or all of the days. No food or lodging was included.


Cost PER DAY for the seminar: $189

Cost for her 90-minute dvd (she sell 3 different ones) link to pdf for additional book: $259.99 - yes, $2.89 per minute of video footage of students and teachers using centers...


Now, let's compare this to one "expensive" homeschool program: Chalkdust.


Basic Math:

4 dvds (12 hours and 34 minutes of INSTRUCTION)

hardbound textbook

complete solutions guide



.29 per minute of instruction...:001_smile:


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Thank you for posting this. It is interesting. Does your friend have to pay the full price out of pocket, or will her employer pay for at least part of it? It's good to know there are teachers willing to sacrifice so much monetarily to be the best they can be, keep learning, keep motivated, etc.


I do think that this doesn't quite equate to a bargain for homeschoolers. I may spend less on instruction (or I may not once all the costs of going to conventions and purchasing DVDs, audio lectures and books (even just counting the books that provide me as the teacher with instruction) is added up), but I don't get paid to homeschool and the money I spend is not a tax write off.


ETA: And a thank you to SWB for the very helpful and affordable audio lectures!

Edited by crstarlette
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Thank you for posting this. It is interesting. Does your friend have to pay the full price out of pocket, or will her employer pay for at least part of it? It's good to know there are teachers willing to sacrifice so much monetarily to be the best they can be, keep learning, keep motivated, etc.


I do think that this doesn't quite equate to a bargain for homeschoolers. I may spend less on instruction (or I may not once all the costs of going to conventions and purchasing DVDs, audio lectures and books (even just counting the books that provide me as the teacher with instruction) is added up), but I don't get paid to homeschool and the money I spend is not a tax write off.


ETA: And a thank you to SWB for the very helpful and affordable audio lectures!


She did not pay for it. I doubt most teachers could afford the $1000+ price tag (seminar+lodging). It was paid for by the school district (real estate taxes). From the looks of the pictures on facebook, I'd say my own county sent a fair number of reading specialists to this thing. The consultant played to a packed house (80+ people).


Educational consulting is a very good business to be in...

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