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Is Anyone Familiar with these CM Resources?


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From Simply Charlotte Mason: 106 Days of Creation Studies


From Queen Homeschool: Discovering Nature Series


Heart of Wisdom: Creation, Light, Energy Unit Studies


I have multi-ages with some bigs and some littles and am looking at these, but Queen has a strict return policy!


Any other suggestions for Nature Study/Science?



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but I hang out on the SCM forums a lot and people seem to really love the 106 Days study. You could do a search there. For nature study, I have Comstock's Handbook of Nature Study...but have been terrible about using it. Plan to start using Harmony Art Mom's short studies using this book, as soon as I can get on the ball:) HTH some! Gina

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I have the 106 Days of Creation study! We like it, but haven't been doing it very much. A lot of the books were OOP, I think. I was able to find them used for the most part. I think it's a great study. We just don't get to it very often because we are constantly trying to get MATH DONE. :glare::D

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Oh yes - if you can get around to the Handbook of Nature Study, it is fantastic! We used it for snails and had a wonderful time. I am generally not one who thinks snails are all that interesting and was pleasantly surprised by how much we learned!


We're currently using it for amphibians and I have a bowl of tadpole in the kitchen right now. I think they are bullfrog tadpoles which means we could have them for a LOOOOONG time. :D


Also, handbookofnaturestudy.blogspot.com, which is Barb at Harmony Fine Art's site, has wonderful nature studies posted - I think she calls it the Outdoor Hour. You can follow along on her blog, and she has also made ebooks availble for each of the 4 seasons.

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We use the 106 Days of Creation. Right now though, we are on a rabbit trail..ha...and using Mr. Q's free Life Science a bit. for the animal kingdoms, population, etc. I plan on returning to use both with human anatomy. I got a lot of the resources here as a package from someone on the for sale forum. If you're interested, I can let you know when we are done or when I put it up for sale. Should be a month or so. We had several of the videos, also. We have some nice entries to our Creation Notebooks, and I really think we covered a lot of ground this year in science using it. HTH!

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I agree with the above post about 106 Days.. We have it but didn't do alot with it because I couldn't find alot of books. Need to get it out again. I also have the HOW Light and teaching Method and I didn't like it at all. I have issues with this publisher and I will not be using anything from her. The Light study is very light on science and high on Biblical study. I have no problem with that as we are Christian but I wouldn't use it as a serious science study.

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I just got 106 Days to use with my son used on here with the experiment book and How Science Works. It looks good. Combines Bible and science some. On the SCM forum, some moms said they used Netflix to get videos about the topics, not necessarily the ones listed. We have a good library system, so I was going to get another book on the topic if not the one listed.


The only thing is some of the family parts are quite simple, which is good for families with many ages. My son is only 6 but loves science. I will try many of the experiments with him when I can. The experiment book looks great, usable for many topics. It's nice to have a different one to go with our Usborne Experiment books.

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On the nature series, I haven't seen it, but there are opportunities for nature study in 106 Days. Since it covers creation, there are many times that you observe stars, bugs, animals, water, etc. Maybe you could use it with the Nature Handbook. Or just have them observe something once a week, draw a picture or sketch in a notebook. Then look up more info in guides as desired. I think that would be a great and fun way to start. Then the kids can get into it. Or try Harmony Art Moms idea of studying the tree for a year. Draw it each month and make notes. Something simple.

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