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Is poetry study necessary for SAT or college?

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I'm following a condensed (2-year) version of a Great Books study next year when my DS begins 9th grade. We'll be covering many of the classics from Ancients to Modern, but I wasn't planning on doing an in-depth study of any poetry. He likes to read a little bit of poetry, but not much. And honestly, I don't see much value in studying it.


But I'm worried he might need some poetry analysis experience for the SAT or similar tests. Will poetry analysis (in any form) be covered on these type of tests?


In 11th grade, he plans to take an AP Lang. & Comp., and in 12th grade, he'll take AP Lit. & Comp. Will either of these AP courses include poetry study? If so, is that enough to satisfy any college requirements? (I'm guessing if he learns poetry analysis in 11th/12th grade, it will be too late for the SAT or similar tests.)

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Hi Lisa,

I would include some poetry study with your literature, even if it is not super in-depth. the SAT II Lit exam covers poetry, as does the AP Lit. Learning to appreciate good poetry is valuable and surprisingly enjoyable. We have done this as part of a chronological study of literature. If you study ancient literature, including the Bible, you cannot help but study poetry, since many of the great epics are written in poetry rather than prose. Make sure you can identify sonnets -they tend to show up on tests. Much of poetry analysis involves close reading and looking for controlling images and metaphors. I find that poetry often benefits from being read aloud - that way you can really hear the beauty (or not!) of the poet's tone and diction. Just a few ideas from one who now appreciates poetry much more than I ever did before!



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April, thanks for the insights. I know some of the lit we'll be reading will be epic poems and such, and we'll be discussing more of the big ideas, characters, plot development, etc. I was thinking more along the lines of if we should be analyzing poetic forms, devices, etc., of which I know very little about. I like your idea of reading aloud -- that might help!

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