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Opinions on age to start dating

How old is old enough to start dating?  

  1. 1. How old is old enough to start dating?

    • 12 or under
    • 13 or 14 yo
    • 15 or 16 yo
    • 17 or 18 yo
    • over 18 yo
    • when they are ready to get married

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My parents (and this is coming from a couple of free-loving hippies and my dad was an atheist) taught us to view the "point" of dating to be finding a spouse, asking us, if not that, then what is the point? Speaking for myself and looking back, while I did date some in the later teenage years, those relationships weren't about figuring out how to be in a relationship or learning about the differences between boys and girls etc. I know that for some people, these might be the primary reasons for dating. But again, for myself, I think that to a much greater degree one patterns these types of things after the example set by your parents. For me, dating was more about figuring out if there were any deal-breakers and if I could effectively communicate with this person (obviously, I already liked them or I wouldn't be dating them). Looking back at some of my friends from High School, it is painfully clear how many of them end up in relationships similar to their parents (for better or for worse) and I think it has little to do specifically with the people they dated, the one constant in every relationship being yourself.


I guess if I were to try and sum up my rambling:

Yes, I think the point is marriage.

It's too hard for me to pick an age, though it does seem prudent to wait at least until they reach an age that they can legally hold a job. So that's my vote.

I think it is sad how many teenagers think they need to "hold" a girl/boyfriend du jour for status/self-worth.

Thinking about the teenage years scares the bejeezus out of me:scared:

Edited by Flux
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You explained this so much better than I did! Thanks!


Thank you! Sometimes this is so hard to explain because when people find out we don't "do" dating in our house, the automatic assumption seems to be that we are all rules and regulations and fear. I've lost count of how many times we've been told that if we set standards for our kids in this area they will just go crazy when they reach 18 and no longer HAVE to follow our Rules. It's nice to know that at least once I've said it in a way that makes sense. :)

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The purpose of dating is to discover a mate. When you're ready to marry and all the responsibilities that come with marriage then you're ready to go dating.


I'm sure that that's different ages for each child.




The thought of having to deal with my dd's dating nearly sends me into a panic attack. My Dh has very different views on dating than I do.:eek:

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