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Which Prealgebra for 8th? Finishing Saxon 76. (xpost from K-8)

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My 11yo dd spent nearly a year in SM 5A, and I was so concerned about her poky speed that I signed her up for an outside class using Saxon 76 at a once-a-week cottage school. She enjoys the class and is OK with Saxon for the most part, but it does take a long time for her to complete her assignments. She gets A's and B's on her tests, and many of her mistakes are of the careless variety. I like that someone else gets to breathe down her neck for math output.


I'm looking toward next year, and the cottage school offers both Saxon 87 and Alg 1/2. But I'm also exploring other options, because I don't know how long I want us to stay in Saxon. The cottage school's offerings seem to end with Algebra II.


What should I do? Go back to Singapore? Community college? Kinetic Books? An online class? :confused:

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Saxon's website suggests going with 8/7 & moving on to Algebra 1 after that, if student makes 80% or above on all tests. I am trying to figure out math issues/curr., too. Just read that today. Anyway, that's their take & it makes sense to me. I think WTM recommends Alg 1/2 if student is doing well. I think I prefer doing Saxon's rec. in my case.


Saxon Teacher dvds can take your child through all of their math courses, as well. If that's your preferred method :001_smile:

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