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Practice Town - What does the 2009 printing look like?


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I'd appreciate it very much if someone could describe it to me (in terms of thickness of pages, type of binding, etc.). I just received a copy and it doesn't look similar to the Practice Island (2010 printing) that I received. I'm a bit puzzled, so I figured perhaps I could find some folks here who could help me out.


Thanks for taking the time to respond!

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I just got the Town level.


Practice Town: student level is Dec 2009, teacher manual is April 2010.

These are the 100 sentences. It's very like Practice Island was (old printing - I haven't seen the new one).


112 pages in both. Student has the sentence, the four lines (one word or stem bold in the sentence for discussion of definitions).

Teacher has the answers and comments.


Binding (like old Practice Island) is just staples through the center.


All the other books in level 2 are bound with a glued binding.

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