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Rosetta Stone Lesson Length

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I heard that you must complete an entire lesson in one sitting to pass the lesson. I heard that it takes about 45 minutes. In other words, you can't work on it in short sessions and then eventually pass to the next lesson. Is this accurate? Does the time for the lesson sound accurate?

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My kids have done German 1-2, I assume it is similar for other programs. The core, or first lesson, for each unit is 40 mins. The other lessons are 5-15 mins. My kids choose to do the core in one sitting because it sticks with them better. And for the shorter lessons they just work through them 15-30 mins at a time. I know they have stopped part way through the shorter lessons before with no difficulty, but I don't know if they have stopped in the longer core.

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My son's doing Spanish. He's stopped in the Core and hasn't had any trouble picking back up from where he left off.


The Reviews (about 10 "pages" and do-able in about 15 min) are a one-shot deal. You can't go back and rework individual problems; you have to repeat the entire lesson. Similarly for the Milestone at the end of each Unit.


But the bulk of the work can be stopped and picked up at the same point without any penalty.

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