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Nancy Larson Science


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We use Science 1 and enjoy it very much. I bought it mainly for my oldest son but my two younger sons partcipate and are retaining information very well. It is VERY scripted which I appreciate since I need lots of hand holding to get science done. I like how everything is included and it is laid out very well. I plan to do the entire series.

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Let me start by saying this is JUST MY OPINION, I am always a little nervous about saying that we LOVE a curriculum, fearing someone will buy something on my reccomendation and then not like it. But, anyway, here it goes.


My kids are 10, 9 and 6. We have tried various science programs and they have been ok, but nothing fabulous. I honestly don't think it's the programs fault, per se, but rather mine, our family, our situation. What I mean by that is this: science isn't my strong suit, so I just can't go off on my own and start talking about things I know about, we don't have a fabulous library where we can gleen all sorts of super cool books, we live in a rural area where it is difficult to just run out and grab supplies as needed...especially if I didn't plan far in advance to put items on my monthly shopping list. So, whenever I tired different programs, if I didn't have the supplies, I would put science on hold and then a week would go by and no science class...or our Nebraska weather didn't cooperate and so then we would skip while sections because the earthworms weren't playing in the snow, or we were in a drought when we were to be studying rainfall (and yes, I know that can happen with any program)...but even more importantly because I don't know science all that well, I needed a program that would guide me along so I could teach my kids.


So, then enters NL Science. I looked at it....it seemed expensive....I looked at it again....it seemed too juvenile for my big kids....but I looked at it again...it had cool things in the kits...I looked again...and then I emailed the customer reps....and got a super fast response, ready, willing and very able to help me with my concerns...the rep connected me with real moms who are using the program successfully and happily, gave me suggestions on how I can enhance the different units to challenge my big kids and even gave me a alternate order of the units so that the weird Nebraska weather wouldn't get in my way. The rep was so nice and helpful...it was amazing...customer service is EVERYTHING!!!! So, then I bought it. It came quickly and it was like Christmas opening the box and looking through all of the items. It was fun.


That evening I sat down with the TE and started looking through the pages. I was right away comforted by the scriptedness of the lessons. I know some people don't like being boxed in that much, but I found great comfort in that "box". And it's not like a person can't step outside the box if they wanted...I just liked the idea that I didn't HAVE to in order to make the program work. Then I looked at the student pages. I loved how the concepts were presented....the workbook would be perfect for my youngest...the pages require some writing, but not a lot. There is a booklet in which to present the information and often a short activity that has the kids drawing a picture to show what they have learned. And then there is a review page that can be done that day, or the next. These are quite easy for my older kids...but they haven't complained any. But I knew I was going to have to do extra things to enhance the lessons some. But so far we have done lapbooks on the various topics, read information from an encyclopedia or other books and just taking some of the activities that were given in the program up one level. For example: when we were talking about habitats, it first has you talk about your habitiat and where you live...we took a map of our small town, blew it up, added pictures cut out from magazines to "grow" our town...it was fun. All 3 ages could participate. The skeleton was another example. The x-rays came in the box, but the program has you looking at a few of the pieces, but since the whole body was included, I had the kids take turns building our skeleton and then we took the included labels to labels the various bones. We will do this a couple times so the kids will be more familiar with the names. We also played the Hokey Pokey using bone names instead of body parts and they kids were laughing so hard and having such a great time.


So, we are loving the program...is it worth the money....to me it is. I am not going to say that it is for everyone....but for us it is a perfect fit.

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For some reason, the hands-on stuff has led to a lot of laughter in our house. That has certainly helped with retention. I can't exactly say why, since there's nothing inherently humorous in the text, but just getting the kids involved in each lesson seems to bring the whole thing to life. And each lesson requires some (but not excessive) hands-on involvement. Which is stuff that either comes in their kit, or is easily found in the house.


I agree, it isn't for everybody, but this meshes really well in our house. The kids look forward to "science lecture" and are disappointed on days we don't do it! I do supplement a bit with my older ds, to make sure he is sufficiently challenged, but they are both enjoying NL immensely.

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I do supplement a bit with my older ds, to make sure he is sufficiently challenged, but they are both enjoying NL immensely.


having older ones in my house too, I would love to know what types of activites you have found to do with your older one. Would you be willing to share with me???

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