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Funnest Ancient History curriculum?

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My dd is so laid back about school that we're just now starting a formal rotation of history so we'll be starting Ancients soon. She just tested at reading at a 7th grade level and is good at math, so I haven't worried about any extras. In the past two months, she has fallen in love with lapbooks and actually loves doing science and history now. I'm looking at all the choices for doing Ancient History and really like VP since we're very visual and the cards will help us. But I hear the manual is rather dry with fewer hand-on projects, and hear great things about SOTW Activity guide as the best interactive way to go. Are there any other choices out there that does history in an engaging way? I tweak all curriculum to fit our schedule and learning style so I feel very comfortable using anything. I was just wondering if there is anything else out there you'd recommend for doing Ancient History. Thanks!

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Classical Kids, Funny pseudo newspapers like The Egyptian Echo (there is a whole series of these for Greece, Rome, etc.)


Look through a good narrative spine to read aloud to her. Opinions vary on this. You could SOTW, a Child's History of the World. I personally like the recommendations in the Latin Centered Curriculum.


For science you could read Science in Ancient ___________ series. Lapbooks and projects/experiments will flow from all the above!


Have fun!

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Guest Momlovesbooks

A friend of mine did the Veritas Self-paced online course of the Ancient history and said it was really entertaining. Her girls loved it. You can check out a few samples of it on their site, I thought it looked great.

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We've been using the self-paced history classes from VP and the lessons are pretty funny. Alot of information is covered, don't get me wrong... they just keep it light and easy to watch/learn/memorize/be entertained. I'm not from the "you must entertain your kids or your kids won't learn" school. I'm actually a really boring mom/teacher. But my kids love history time every day now, I don't need to dose up on coffee to explain the Trojan War in great detail myself, and I feel like they are covering way more than I would do on my own. Mapwork, tests, review, vocabulary, all that is included within the lesson. We still supplement, but I don't feel like I need to. It is a tad expensive, but my only regret at this point is not doing it earlier! We really like it. :)

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