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WTM, SL, SCM - my head is spinning!


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Good morning! I am starting to plan for next year and already confused and overwhelmed. Hopefully you wise ladies will be able to help :)


Long story short, DD#1 (and myself) both have been Dx ADD-Inattentive and getting work done in a timely manner (and consistently) has been an issue. DD#2 whizzes through her work and has no issues that I am aware of.


We started out with WTM - and I assumed that we would follow it throughout. Love the idea of it, and want(ed) to make it work. Honestly have only managed to keep on top of the 3 Rs. History, science, Latin, etc all have not been done on a regular basis - not even close... :001_huh:


Really like the idea of CM as well. FIt really fits with DD#1's personality (she loves nature, etc.) and I love the focus on creating a love of learning. Not sure how DD#1 could ever, ever complete a lesson in 20 minutes however! I found SCM a year or two ago, and it looks really good. Would this be a rigorous-enough curriculum to follow all the way through HS?


This year we bought SL 1+2. DD#1 is in 4th grade and so far has had very little history. My thought was that we could cover all of world history this year - to sort of "catch her up". We absolutely love SL, but are insanely behind because of all of the reading. If we do SL as written we honestly don't finish school until 4:00 or 5:00 each day - sometimes later! The girls don't really seem to mind, as they love the books, but I mind! I have no idea how I can possibly combine them after this year - and long-term - as they are 3 grades apart. Also I am not sure if SL would be "enough" all the way through high school.


So, as I see it my choices are:

1. Go back to WTM for Logic Stage (DD#1) and Grammar Stage (DD#2).

2. Start SCM with Module 5 for combined subjects, and follow the Curriculum Guide for the appropriate grades in other subjects.

3. Stick with SL and figure out some way to finish school by 3:00.


Any thoughts? Thanks so much for reading!


ETA: I love WTM language arts & plan to follow that no matter which curriculum we end up following.


ETA: May I throw TOG into the mix? I just thought about that - maybe that would be the best bet for us - much easier to combine, I would think.

Edited by FindingLaurie
spelling; clarification; keep thinking of things to add
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Guest RecumbentHeart

Ok, full disclosure, I have no teaching experience with any of these curricula. I'm just curious, noting that your 1st grader is 7, do you think there is any chance (if you check out the samples) of her joining with your oldest DD for a year of Heart of Dakota's Preparing Hearts for His Glory (keeping their own LA and math that you're already doing with them)? It says on the site that it's for 8-10yo but I thought there might be a chance and it might be worth it if there is since Preparing is a one year overview of world history. It's relatively CMish too. Just a thought!

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I think SL is a great fit for distractible moms (I'm one), but I hear you on the multiple cores issue. We are doing core K this year, with core 1+2 on the shelf for as soon as we are done. I see you are using SL science too (we aren't, we use Apologia). In any case, one way to streamline might be to double up on your readings so you don't waste time mentally switching gears/books/finding supplies etc.


When I tried to do history AND science daily, I failed. Now I do two days of history, two days of science. So, I do 2-3 days of SL each day we do history, then 2 days of Apologia each day we do science.


Another thought - your DDs are only 1 year apart in age, right? 8 and 7? Ignore their grades for a moment - at 1 year apart I think you COULD easily continue to combine them in SL cores, I don't see why not? 1-2 years age difference normally is fine for combining, 3 years starts to push it.


That being said, we're going to TOG for 4th because we have a bunch of littles all spread out. FWIW, the grammar levels can actually be lighter in TOG than in Sonlight for reading aloud load.


Don't know if this helps, but that's what I'm thinking so far.

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...I'm just curious, noting that your 1st grader is 7, do you think there is any chance (if you check out the samples) of her joining with your oldest DD for a year of Heart of Dakota's Preparing Hearts for His Glory...Preparing is a one year overview of world history. It's relatively CMish too...


TY for the suggestion. We are actually using SL Core 1+2 this year, which is a 1 year overview of world history as well.


I think SL is a great fit for distractible moms (I'm one), but I hear you on the multiple cores issue...In any case, one way to streamline might be to double up on your readings so you don't waste time mentally switching gears/books/finding supplies etc.


...your DDs are only 1 year apart in age, right? 8 and 7? Ignore their grades for a moment - at 1 year apart I think you COULD easily continue to combine them in SL cores...


Ugh! I changed one DD's age and not the other in my sig. (it's now fixed). DD#1 is 9 and makes the cut-off by just two weeks (so she is a very young 4th-grader). DD#2 just turned 7 two weeks ago, so is right in the middle for her grade. They are truly three grades apart (and 2-1/2 years apart in age).


I like the idea of doubling up on the readings. I tend to do that with the Bible and may do that with some of the history as well. Maybe then we would get to the science that I say I am doing in my sig :D


I hope TOG goes well for you!

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