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Need help deciding how to choose a Dr..

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I am looking into getting my children evaluated and diagnosed for their specific learning disabilities (and anything else that may be underlying). I primarily suspect dyslexia...also, add/adhd spectrum but...? :confused: Thus far, I have just accomidated for where I saw the needs but feel like it would be ultimately in all our best interest. I am just kind of confused by what type of specialist is the best choice...neurophyschologist, developemental pediatrician, educational physchologist, ...etc. There are multiple specialist that all claim to do the job. Also, more then likely, I will have to travel so I want to narrow my choices down accurately. Can anyone give me some insight on how to choose? Who did your eval/dx and what would you recommend?


Thanks for any insight...

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Go to your pediatrician first. He/She can recommend where to begin - often knowing what insurance expects to happen and when. Often you will need referrals from the PCP as well for insurance to pay, if they pay.



Thanks for your response...


I suppose I have never dealt with the learning issues w/ my pediatrician so I don't think to utilize them in that way. However, now that I am homeschooling I don't feel like have any professionals to help me. Also, we relocated out of state this last summer and I haven't built a strong relationship yet with our pediatrician...or have an established network of homeschooling or SN's families. Anyways, I suppose for lack of better resources I will start there...I just hate spending the money on our co-pay...I think it is $50!!!...only to get a recommendation. For my daughter's speech therapy I called the office and they sent over a referral (w/o having made it...it was based on a consult with the SL therapist)....so I suppose I was thinking I would just do the same thing here.


Anyways, thanks again...I suppose I will call and see what they have to say.

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The previous poster gives excellent advice. I began with our pediatricians because we have good rapport with them. They do send referrals for me without a visit as long as the well child checkups are up to date.It may be that is why they sent the speech referral without an office visit. I just have to call the office and speak to the nurse in charge of referrals. Or, the place I am scheduling an appointment with will sometimes call the pediatrician's office for me. Usually I have to make a call as well because referrals happen faster if mom is calling regularly to check on them. :glare:


For my son I used a local psychologist in private practice to complete the initial testing. She just did the standard IQ/achievement testing. For more we would have needed to go to the Children's Hospital 60 miles away. If we had been closer to a college I may have been able to have someone there perform much of the initial testing for me.

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Thank you...very helpful!!


I have heard of others, just on forums, going to a college for testing. What is this all about? How do you go about finding a college? Is it a volunteer type thing to help the medical students?

Some 4 year colleges that have degree programs in education and psychology will have either labs that provide testing for a reduced fee or will have highly qualified PhD professors that provide testing on the side as a secondary income. Before teachers and psychology majors graduate they must have courses in how to give particular evaluations. The lab settings allow the student to have practice under the guidance of the professors. The professors will oversee everything from the eval to the scoring to the sharing of results with you. The advantage for you is that the testing is often much cheaper than going to someone in private practice, and often less frustrating than trying to deal with the local school district.


Some colleges that offer degrees in speech pathology will also have speech labs that provide all testing and sometimes even regular therapy sessions as well.


If you are within a reasonable distance of any 4 yr colleges I would certainly look into them as a possibility. I have heard of a few that even accept some forms of insurance as payment. You would need to call the Psychology Department most likely to begin.

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Some 4 year colleges that have degree programs in education and psychology will have either labs that provide testing for a reduced fee or will have highly qualified PhD professors that provide testing on the side as a secondary income. Before teachers and psychology majors graduate they must have courses in how to give particular evaluations. The lab settings allow the student to have practice under the guidance of the professors. The professors will oversee everything from the eval to the scoring to the sharing of results with you. The advantage for you is that the testing is often much cheaper than going to someone in private practice, and often less frustrating than trying to deal with the local school district.


Some colleges that offer degrees in speech pathology will also have speech labs that provide all testing and sometimes even regular therapy sessions as well.


If you are within a reasonable distance of any 4 yr colleges I would certainly look into them as a possibility. I have heard of a few that even accept some forms of insurance as payment. You would need to call the Psychology Department most likely to begin.


THANK YOU SO MUCH, very helpful!!!!! :)

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