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Skipping Bob Jones Math 5


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My son is currently using BJ Math 4 and we will start a subscription for Math-Whizz soon to supplement. (My other two dc love Math-Whizz and they are having fun learning ;))

I would like to skip Bob Jones Math 5 and start him with BJ 6 in the fall. Normally I wouldn't think about skipping but my dd will use BJ dvds for grade 6 she won't need the math because she prefers Saxon. I want to use the math portion for Caleb. I know I can go down a level BUT it won't be with the current grade 5.

I have three more kiddos coming up and would much rather have BJ math 5 3rd edition, this is why for next year I would like to skip Caleb, so I don't have to purchase it twice.

Caleb is pretty mathy and on the older side for his grade (he has a Sept. B-day).

Is there a big jump from BJ Math 4-6?

Thank you for any advice.

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I don't really know and just want to bump your thread:) But 5th grade seems to be the year when they focus on more prealgebra type topics (ratio, percent, negative numbers, mult/div of fractions, decimals). They introduce it a very little bit at the end of 4th, but has a much bigger focus in 5th. By 6th grade, I think there is a lot less review of 4th & under topics (add/sub, mult/div), with a bigger focus on 5th & up topics. I had my dd skip from 3rd gr English to 5th gr, and it was a big stretch (I think 4th gr was the year they introduced diagramming, because it was a dominant feature of 5th gr). I also was a total moron about the whole thing and didn't buy the teacher's manual this year (never needed it in the past!) I bumped her up a grade in language arts because I had her repeat 2nd grade (she had a really bad attitude that year that made any learning completely impossible. she also was behind in reading, but now is way ahead, so keeping her behind didn't seem necessary). But I would say if he has a good handle on add/sub, mult/div, and seems ready to do more with it (fractions, decimals, factors, ratio, percent, negative numbers, etc.) then go ahead and put him in 6th. If you think he needs that bridge between 4th & under, 6th & up, then put him through 5th. Don't really know, but hope someone who has been through those levels will give you a good perspective! There is a yahoogroups for bobjones users, maybe they'd have more input.

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I don't really know and just want to bump your thread:) But 5th grade seems to be the year when they focus on more prealgebra type topics (ratio, percent, negative numbers, mult/div of fractions, decimals). They introduce it a very little bit at the end of 4th, but has a much bigger focus in 5th. By 6th grade, I think there is a lot less review of 4th & under topics (add/sub, mult/div), with a bigger focus on 5th & up topics. I had my dd skip from 3rd gr English to 5th gr, and it was a big stretch (I think 4th gr was the year they introduced diagramming, because it was a dominant feature of 5th gr). I also was a total moron about the whole thing and didn't buy the teacher's manual this year (never needed it in the past!) I bumped her up a grade in language arts because I had her repeat 2nd grade (she had a really bad attitude that year that made any learning completely impossible. she also was behind in reading, but now is way ahead, so keeping her behind didn't seem necessary). But I would say if he has a good handle on add/sub, mult/div, and seems ready to do more with it (fractions, decimals, factors, ratio, percent, negative numbers, etc.) then go ahead and put him in 6th. If you think he needs that bridge between 4th & under, 6th & up, then put him through 5th. Don't really know, but hope someone who has been through those levels will give you a good perspective! There is a yahoogroups for bobjones users, maybe they'd have more input.


Sarah, this is very helpful. I think I may have to see if I can skip Grade 5 at the end of the summer to see where he is at. I may go ahead and purchase the BJ placement test (it's so expensive though) at the end of summer and go from there. If not, oh well, I tried.

I just didn't want to have to purchase the 5th grade BJ math twice. I really wanted the updated one too.

Thank you for sharing your experience.

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