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Paging Dr. Hive!


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My 6 year old has had a raspy cough for the last several days (at least a week and a half) it's not constant, she'll just have a few rough coughing spells (typically at night or when we've been outside, but sometimes inside during the day as well) and then be perfectly fine inbetween those coughing spells. Last night however (after the Dr's office closed of course :tongue_smilie:) she mentioned to me that one of her ears was "stuck" (couldn't hear through it) and that she had spots on her tongue!


I have NO clue what this is! She's not complaining of any pain, she doesn't have a fever or runny nose, and is otherwise acting like absolutely nothing is wrong.

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I'm a peds nurse, but without seeing her, take this for what it's worth. I would suspect a sinus infection if the coughing is primarily at night or when she wakes up in the morning. Is she clearing her throat frequently? That's a good sign that she's having drainage. Stuffiness in the ears also points to sinus congestion. It could also be allergies. I'd take her in on Monday or go to an "insta-care" if she develops a fever or gets worse before then.

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