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s/o zen.....what about your homeschooling area?

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Majority of my home is what I would consider "minimalist." I very much dislike clutter, I feel that less is more, etc. Our kitchen, living room, sitting room, sunroom, and bathrooms are very minimalist. I'm working on our bedroom and it's nearly there. The laundry room/mud room is pretty minimal. The playroom and homeschool room are different stories.


I've attempted going "zen" on the playroom and I've since decided that I'll NEVER get it there. So I've decluttered as much as possible.


The homeschool room.....ugh. I feel like I have so much stuff in there that I'm just "holding onto". Maybe I'll use it when they are older, what if we need it, the books are really neat, etc. I just cannot seem to declutter that room. I want it to be very learning friendly. We don't even do school in there right now. It's the smallest room in the house and all we can do is sit at the table. We much prefer schooling in the sunroom or kitchen table. I'd like to be able to use that room for something more than "school stuff storage" .....that's exactly what I feel we are using it for right now. Just storing school stuff....a whole room! A small one, but still.


Do you have a "zen like" school room? Or anything close? I'd love to see pics if you do! I'm in the process of trying to redo ours. I'd love to put a kid computer in there, a HUGE white board (not sure where to get it), beanbag seating, etc. I'd also love to be able to display the kids school projects. Not sure if the room is too small though.

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