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Natural Family Planning Refresher?

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Hi all,


Many years ago I used NFP to help get pregnant with my son, but I can't for the life of me seem to remember the basics. If someone could give me a refresher I sure would appreciate it!


I've been charting and this morning had a +.6 temperature spike. That indicates ovulation, right? And to take advantage of the, you should have intercourse prior to the temp. spike, correct? Am I correct in thinking that once it spikes it's too late to conceive?


Sorry for all these really basic questions. Hopefully someone can help.



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Taking Charge of Your Fertility is a great book on charting.


I've been charting and this morning had a +.6 temperature spike. That indicates ovulation, right?

You need to wait and see if your temp stays up above the cover line. It is possible to have a temp jump but not ovulate.


And to take advantage of the, you should have intercourse prior to the temp. spike, correct?



Am I correct in thinking that once it spikes it's too late to conceive?

The egg lives for approx. 24 hours. So yes, the chances are very high that if you wait, it will be too late since you don't know the exact moment the egg was released.

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