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Blogging - Amazon Associates ?

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Would anyone who has set up an Amazon.com Associates account through their blog (Amazon's free affiliate marketing program wherein you can earn up to 15% in referrals by advertising Amazon products) like to share their experience with it? Pros? Cons? Is it worth the hassle?


Also, do you happen to know if you have to link to specific items or can you just post a general Amazon link, via a sidebar widget, and still earn a percentage of the items purchased through someone clicking on that link?



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For me, it has been worth it.


Now, I'm not raking in the dough, but every 2-3 months I get anywhere from $25-50 and every little bit helps SO MUCH right now!!


It has been SO easy after the initial set up!! I don't really do anything except add occasional links into my posts where I'm discussing a certain book.


I did put a "disclaimer" on the side of my blog stating that any purchases through amazon gave me a few cents credit.


You can look on my blog - on the sidebar I have 1 "widget" with my favorite titles. I also have a favorite books link across the top...


People can click on ANY amazon link on your blog and you will receive credit. However, if they purchase something that you have an exact link for, you did get more money from those. :)


Finally, I think you have to have a pretty good amount of traffic for this to make money. I'm not a "huge" blog by any means, but get around 8,000 hits a month, just to give you an idea. :)


Good luck!!

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Thank you for your feedback, Candace!


I don't have a high traffic blog by any means, but I do have family members and friends who buy from Amazon, and as you said... every little bit helps SO MUCH right now! Setting up an Amazon Associate account could be especially beneficial when family wants to help with purchasing homeschool curriculum/materials or need some gift ideas that are found at Amazon... it'd be like a double whammy, though few and far between. It could also help when referring hs curriculum to fellow homeschool friends. All that said, I'm still undecided whether or not it's worth the hassle to me. I guess I still need to think about it.

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I would say it's incredibly easy to set up, so there aren't really any cons. I don't make near as much as Candace mentioned - in fact, I think I've only ever gotten 2 payments & one of those was because some very kind person did a whole lot of shopping on Amazon after following one of my links.


I would be linking to the books that I do anyway, so for me it's actually easier to use Amazon's code because it saves me a few steps and really, that's why I do it. The money, if and when there is any, is just a bonus.

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