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BFIAR for a toddler??

Mommee & Baba

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Would anyone advise against this? and why?


My ds will be 2.5yr old next year and between schooling his 2 big sisters he's getting annoyed and wants to do school too. So I give him TONS of hands on things to do but I think I'm wanting to consider BFIAR for him and enjoy and capture the moments that will soon be gone :( I want to read with him and do activities based on the books but I need a book "to hold my hand" per say on how to go about it...I don't have the time (as awful as it sounds) to sit and make up my own....BUT I want to make time for "his school" and be able to have little prep time.


I considered this http://www.letteroftheweek.com/index.html but honestly I think it's WAY too much for him and I'd prefer to do something of this sort when he's approaching preschool age.


Is Before Five in a Row a step in the right direction? We'll of course keep all the hands on activities but I'd love to hear what the hive has to say about this particular curriculum.


Thanks in advance!:grouphug:


On a last note: We already own 10 of the books on the BFIAR book list. So the investment wouldn't be HUGE.

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I didn't hear about B4FIAR until my oldest was 4 but we did it last summer for fun and it worked great. My youngest was just under 2 at that time and was able to join in many of the activities. This last week we did The Snowy Day and she really loved it. She is almost 2 1/2 now. I was surprised how much she learned from it. I think it will work perfectly for what you are looking for. You can easily adapt it to what level your child it at. I was able to check out a copy from my library to see what it was like first.

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There is so much to this curriculum I'm finding.


At first I thought the main book list was all then I find out there are go alongs as you say...and think..wow I could really make this really wonderful!! For the go-alongs I'm thinking my library card will come in handy. And Im thinking my older kids (5 & 7) will enjoy this too with their brother. Even if they are older they love helping him with his "school".


As I look more into this particular curriculum..the more I think I like it even as he gets older! So we'll see how he likes it this coming school year! :)

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