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Teens who go "awry"

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What Chris said. And it's SO **** HARD to not blame yourself, but you know what? I taught him right from wrong-I had a lot to learn as far as parenting--I was very punitive back then, but he still knew right from wrong. It was his choice to make the decisions he did. And it's up to him to fix them.


It's hard--esp when other parents want to blame--you take that guilt up again so easily, but it's still not the parent's fault. When it comes down to it, the parent did not make the kid _______. Most likely, they heard the voice of their parent in their head saying "no, no, no," but did it anyway.



Yes, not only are we hard on ourselves as parents, but we are very hard on each other. Peers have so much to do with our kids' experiences. And I have said this before on this board, but it bears repeating: this is not the same world we grew up in. Our kids have it so much harder. Pressure to get into college. 24/7 texting/facebooking from foolish friends. Pills that are addictive. These things didn't really exist when we were growing up.


Anyway, back to the original topic.


I read this recently regarding parenting and binge drinking:



This is the heart of it:

However, researchers have discovered that parenting style strongly and directly affects teens when it comes to heavy drinking – defined as having five or more drinks in a row.


So, of course the question is how do you parent a child in an non-indulgent, not overly-strict fashion? If only it were that easy!



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