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At what outdoor temperature must you have air conditioning?

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I think humidity will play a part in this, but humor me....


What is your breaking point?




I don't turn the A/C until it's about 105, BUT, I have an evaporative cooler, which means I cheat. An evap is a cheap cooling system that only works in dry climates, and you have to have all the windows open a little to allow fresh air to flow throughout the house. This works well with our outdoor lifestyle--we literally use our patio as another room, and have it decorated and painted accordingly.


Now, when we're on the coast it is much more humid, and the A/C goes on around 85, but it rarely gets that hot by the water. I'm okay with it being warm during the day, but we like to sleep cold so the temp gets turned down at night.

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the temp is about 96 degrees - dh otoh, would prefer to turn it on at about 70 degrees :svengo:



This is me and dh too!! he calls me Lizard Woman. He is my cold fish :D

i just can't fathom paying [running AC] to be COLD! upstate NY was cold enough for me. took me a year to thaw out when i got back to TX....


but on the flip side, I'm turning the heater on if it drops below 80*.

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Given our long winters I am used to cold and have a hard time standing the heat. But, since we don't have a/c, it's a non-issue. No matter temp it gets to we have to live with it!


It usually doesn't get terribly hot, maybe 90 degrees at most. It usually cools off a lot at night. We slept in a tent on the porch a few nights last year when it got too hot in the house.


I haven't been thinking about it too much, given that we've had snow every day this week.:glare:

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