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MCT users...a latin question.

Jayne J

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I am looking at MCT. (Who isn't.) I wonder if doing grammar in our Latin course (LfC) along with MCT will be too grammar intensive. Plus I'll likely keep WWE 2/3 going as well. Am I trying to do too much and just overlapping everything pointlessly? I am all for streamlining ala LCC. My original plan was CW, LfC and FLL 3 but MCT is so...pretty.


Help a gal out and organize my acronyms for me?:D

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I may not be any help as I love grammar (and English studies in general, plus we use multiple math programs! :lol: ), but we use MCT (Island level) along with LfC A, FLL (3 for ds#1; he'll start 4 in late winter), and even GWG (at the end of my pregnancy I realized I needed something less me-intense; we still alternate between GWG and FLL). I love the overlap personally. They (ds#1 and ds#2) are learning grammar in both Latin and English, they are learning that subject complements can be predicate nominatives or predicate adjectives (FLL & LfC uses the later whereas MCT uses the former, IIRC), and honestly they love it. Ds#2, in particular, loves to parse sentences. It may be a bit overkill (I too was going for a more LCC driven school day), but the programs are all such strong programs and thus far work very, very well together, that we are keeping with it.

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I wonder if doing grammar in our Latin course (LfC) along with MCT will be too grammar intensive.


Not even remotely. :)


Where your LA programs overlap, they'll reinforce each other. But mostly they teach different things -- or at least the same things from such radically different directions that they're like different subjects.

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