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Mus and lof

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I liked typing that in all caps. It was fun and I wasn't even yelling! LOL!


Wondering if anyone combines math u see and life of fred. I stumbled upon LOF and think oldest DD will just ADORE it--the younger ones too! BUT (there is always a but, isn't there) I'm wondering if it is truly enough to be a complete program on its own. There doesn't seem to be much work in a chapter/lesson. I'm concerned that she will need much more.


My original plan (thank you LOF for messing that up!) was to finish RS E then move into MUS. (I am using MUS alpha with my 7yo and it's easy to implement and takes less time than RS.) Basically I thought if dd tests into the fractions level of MUS then she could work through the LOF level because I'm not totally convinced that LOF will give her the math education she needs...or that I want her to have.

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I combine them. I use MUS during the school year and LOF during the summer. Ds has done Epsilon, Zeta and is finishing Pre-Algebra now in MUS. He has done Fractions, Decimals and Pre-Algebra w/Biology in LOF. We plan to continue this with MUS Algebra in the spring, then LOF Algebra next summer.

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Guest Cheryl in SoCal

I combine them as well. I keep LOF behind MUS so that concepts are introduced in MUS and then reviewed/expanded on in LOF. I try to keep them a year apart so it basically stretches the course over 2 years (so the year we did MUS Algebra 1 they did LOF Pre-Algebra, etc). We follow LOF's sequence of Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry instead of MUS's sequence (Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2) so this year we are doing Algebra 2 in MUS. Many say they won't do the Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry sequence because the student will forget all about Algebra while they do Geometry but since we will be doing LOF Advanced Algebra at the same time as Geometry that won't be an issue:001_smile: We are actually a touch behind on our LOF because the second volume of Pre-Algebra was released around the same time as we started MUS Algebra 2 and we didn't want to skip it so we are finishing up LOF Pre-Algebra 2 and aren't in Beginning Algebra yet. We are able to get through LOF volumes faster than MUS so it won't be difficult to "catch up" to where we planned on being.


We do both MUS every day and do a chapter of LOF however often we need to in order to keep the pace similar. If we did a chapter of LOF every day we'd work through it much faster so we skip days or spread chapters out over more than one day.


I think it's a great combination and plan to continue it throughout high school. The Pre-Algebra volumes with their added info (Biology and Economics) are really fun! We learned several things in the Biology one that we are just coming upon in our science curriculum (like balancing chemical equations, Avogadro's Number, what trees make their wood from, etc).

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