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Sample reading summary?


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I've been reading/following TWTM off and on for the past 7 years. Having relied on Sonlight more recently, I'm now considering following TWTM more closely than in the past.


I'm wondering if anyone would be willing to share a sample reading summary (literature or history, for example) by one of their children. My two older children (those to whom this would apply) are in 7th and 6th grades. They're strong writers, but we definitely haven't been practicing narration and dictation for the past several years. (Actually, we've been using IEW, but that's a different story.)


SWB asks for a one-page summary, if I remember correctly, but I'm not sure what this looks like in real life. One page handwritten? Typewritten? Three paragraphs? Intro and conclusion? Anyone want to give me some guidance?





Edited by tjarnold
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Hello there. If you haven't already, RUN to peacehillpress.com and download SWB's writing lectures (one each for grammar, logic, and rhetoric stages). OMGoodness!!! They are perfection!! They have left me feeling empowered in knowing I can solidly direct my dc's writing instruction. I just downloaded them yesterday and have listened to the lectures at least 2x already. She is expertly clear and magnificent in her explanation.


My dd is in 5th grade and she has been doing 1/2 page (in cursive, double spaced, on college ruled paper) summaries in history for the past couple of weeks. We are working out of STOW Ancients since the summer. Here's her Ch. 11 summary:


Ancient West Africans


"Continents are large land masses with countries in them. In the continent of Africa, the Sahara desert is famous for it's hot, dry climate. Archaeologists have found ancient pollen, animal bones, seeds and shells of turtles. Bases on these findings, life in ancient West Africa must have once existed in the Sahara desert."


After listening to the lectures, I am confident that this is a pretty solid narrative summary for a 5th grader. SWB goes on to list the other recommended logic stage writing components. Again, I STRONGLY advise you listen to them. They will hold your hand, explain what is expected, and how to effectively administer writing instruction across the curriculum.



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Per your suggestion, I just ordered the first two writing lectures and will listen to them later today. I had seen that they were available previously, but had forgotten about them, so thanks for reminding me of their existence and spurring me to action!


And thank you so much for sharing your daughter's summary. So a "one-page summary" doesn't necessarily have to be a full page?




P.S. Nicely written summary, btw. :001_smile:

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I think the lectures will put things in much clearer perspective. As to the length of the summary, I can't expressly remember the suggestions given for 6th-8th grades, but for 5th grade set, all that's required is a 1/2 page summary.


Good luck to you. The lectures have been eye opening and they have provided a ton of insight. Please check back in to share your opinion of them.

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